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About Us

奖学金办公室可以通过奖励学术成就,在经济上帮助学生实现他们的教育目标, strengthening donor relationships, 通过捐赠和捐款增加奖学金基金.

CR奖学金是由红木学院的慈善捐款提供的, by individuals, foundations, corporations, and organizations. 企业社会责任奖学金的认定、选择和授予各不相同.

Office location & Hours


Please call 707-476-4191 or email:


The Spring 2024 Scholarship have been disbursed. 


Frequently Asked Questions

目前的CR学生只能通过访问我们网站上的“Apply Here”链接或点击这里申请. 在开始申请之前,您将通过CR的AcademicWorks网站设置一个帐户.

For instructions on how to setup an account, 请访问我们网站上的“创建奖学金帐户”页面或点击这里. Only current CR students can apply to our scholarships.

Financial Need is determined by completing the FAFSA at Please allow 8-12 weeks for processing.  For further information on how to complete your FAFSA, 请致电(707)476 -4182或与我们的财务援助办公室联系

我们奖学金申请最好的部分是一份申请就可以让你获得所有的CR奖学金! 你只需要每学年完成一次申请. 您将通过一次申请获得多个秋季和春季奖学金.

If you apply during the Fall application period, 你将被考虑申请本学年的秋季和春季奖学金. If you apply during the Spring application period, 你只会在本学年被考虑申请春季奖学金.

皇冠365官方app的所有奖学金都在当前学年颁发. For example, 如果你申请2019年秋季学期的奖学金, 你将在2019年秋季学期获得奖学金. The same rule applies for the Spring semester. 你不能提前一学年申请CR的奖学金. 你必须在当前学年申请奖学金.

Yes. You will need to re-apply for CR scholarships every academic year. 我们每年夏天都会清理奖学金申请系统,为秋季和春季奖学金周期做准备. If you applied the previous year for a scholarship, you will need to re-apply again during each academic year.

You do not need to re-apply for scholarships each semester. If you applied for a scholarship in the Fall, 我们会将您的申请纳入春季申请池,并考虑您申请所有春季奖学金.

Not yet. All CR scholarships are for currently enrolled CR students. 这是指那些在本学年入学的学生. While still in high school, 你将没有资格获得任何CR奖学金,因为你还没有在这里注册课程.

Unfortunately, no. Community Education courses are not-for-credit courses, 这意味着学生上这些课不能获得大学学分. 所有CR奖学金都是为攻读学位的学生提供的.

  • Personal Essay Questions
  • Financial Need
  • Educational Goals
  • Community Service
  • Academics
  • Grammar

Specific deadline dates vary each year. Generally, 申请秋季奖学金的截止日期是10月中旬,申请春季奖学金的截止日期是2月下旬.

没有机会在秋季申请奖学金的学生, have an opportunity to do so for the Spring.

所有申请者将收到收到奖学金的邮件通知,无论他们是否通过学术工作网站的奖学金账户获得奖学金. 以下日期是您应该通过CR学生电子邮件收到通知的日期:


We have 100+ scholarship we award to students every year. 奖学金金额每年都有所不同,但大多数奖学金的金额在100美元到2500美元之间. 我们通常每年向CR学生颁发超过120,000美元的奖学金.

您将通过您的银行移动支付收到奖学金. 我们会自动设置奖学金,通过银行移动支付发放, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. If you have questions about receiving your funds, 请致电(707)476-4120与商务办公室联系,或致电(707)476-4182与财务援助办公室联系.

We no longer award scholarship funds via check.

Scholarship Tips & Tricks

学习如何通过精心制作奖学金问题的精彩答案获得最好的成绩. The scholarship office is here to help you.

Learn Scholarship Tips & Tricks

VIDEO: Scholarship Workshop (recorded in 2021)

Scholarship Events

Finish Line Scholars Program

Scholarship Celebration Video - May 2021

CR基金会在2008年期间颁发了超过27万美元的奖学金 2022-2023 academic year. 384 scholarships were awarded to students district-wide with awards ranging from $100 to $3,000.


Through generous donations, 奖学金办公室可以通过奖励个人和学术成就,在经济上帮助学生实现他们的教育目标.

如果您有兴趣向现有的奖学金基金捐款或创建您自己的个性化奖学金, please contact the Scholarship office or visit The CR Foundation.

Support Students with Housing Insecurity

The Redwoods Room & 董事会奖学金基金支持学生努力寻找一个安全的地方睡觉和足够的食物吃,同时致力于自己的教育.

Learn More about Room & Board Scholarship

Contact Us

Contact Information

 Rebecca Gwin, Scholarship Program Coordinator

 Physical Education/Athletics Building, Eureka Campus

7351 Tompkins Hill Rd
Eureka, CA 95501

  2023 College of the Redwoods