


Your first communication from College of the Redwoods will be sent to your personal email address. All further notifications from CR will be sent to your CR student email address.  

In order to register for the course you must registerin person or by emailing admissions@红杉.edu.

进入招生页面,点击“成绩单信息”, 点击“先决条件和评估”, 然后点击蓝色链接“成绩单评估请求”. Complete the form to request an evaluation of your "other college" transcripts and submit as an email attachment to evaluator@红杉.edu. 请拨打707咨询中心.476-4150查询更多问题.

This prompt usually means you have not met the pre-requisite for a course you are trying to register for. If you feel you have received this prompt in error, please call the Counseling & 咨询中心707.476-4150或电邮至: admissions@红杉.edu

联系 admissions@红杉.edu 了解更多信息.

You must reapply to the College if you have taken one or more semesters off.

Academic Dismissal means you have completed three or more semesters with less than a 2.平均绩点0. 如果你被开除学籍, you will need to fill out an "Appeal For Reinstatement to Probationary Status" which can be accessed at: http://route.gxczdy.com/admissions/forms

No. Only official transcripts from other colleges/universities will be needed, 除非他们被财政援助要求.

No. 我们不需要它们,也不以任何方式使用它们.

是的. 请见学术顾问这样做.

是的! Your EAP scores are automatically imported into our database if you passed. 如果你通过了EAP考试,你将有资格获得:

  • 英语1A AND
  • 数学5,15,25,30

如果出于某种原因, you cannot register for the courses above and you think you passed the EAP, 请联系Jennifer Bailey,电话707.476.4267.

我只想上一门课. 我必须寄我的正式成绩单吗?
No. 虽然, 如果你想报一个有先决条件的课程, an advisor will need a copy of your transcripts in order to verify you have completed the pre requisite with a passing grade which is a C or better.

California State University system (CSU) is the system of higher education in California that grants most bachelor degrees. 它有时被称为“教学培训”机构. 科罗拉多州立大学还授予硕士学位. The University Of California (UC) is the research system of public higher education in California. The UC grants professional and doctorate degrees, as well as bachelors and masters degrees. 基社盟有更实际的, career-oriented approach to education in contrast to more theoretical approach offered by the UC.

Any course numbered between 1 through 99 (History 8, Psychology 33, Math 5, Spanish 99, etc...)可转换为CSU系统. 然而, you must refer to the CR college catalog to see which classes are transferable to the UC system.


一般来说,答案是肯定的. Transferring to a university as an upper division transfer student (entering the university as a junior) is generally the best path and the most cost effective method. 对于那些考虑低级别转学生的大学, only students who were eligible to enter the university out of high school (and are in good standings at his/her current institution) will be admitted, 在录取过程中,这类申请者的优先级很低. Priority will be given upper division transfer students rather than first time freshmen or those students who have NOT completed the 60 transferable units.


You need to complete at least a minimum of 60 units minimum for admission to a university. You should become familiar with the admission requirements of the UC and CSU systems, 以及所有正在考虑的私立大学. It is important to meet with a counselor or an advisor to determine the best 通识教育 pattern to follow. A great place to begin researching lower division prep for your chosen major is at www.协助.org. Additionally, contact the university (and program) for specific requirements.


The time it takes to transfer depends on the number of units completed each term, 这是你开始学习数学和英语课程的水平, the admission requirements of the transfer institution and the desired major. 全日制学生(每学期12个或以上), 参加夏季和/或冬季课程, and who place directly into transfer level math and English classes can generally transfer after two years. 大多数学生需要两年以上的时间才能完成所有的转学, 通识教育, 以及专业准备要求.


是的. CR offers a variety of courses to complete 通识教育 patterns such as IGETC (Intersegment General Education Transfer Curriculum) which is the preferred GE pattern for those transferring to UC campuses for most majors, 以及加州州立大学的通识教育模式. We also offer course that provide preparation for majors at UC, CSU and private colleges ? 看到www.协助.org为CR和UC/CSU学院之间的主要衔接.


其他学位适用课程 地区认可学院 will be considered for 通识教育, major coursework, or elective credit toward CR degrees. 对于计划从CR转到大学的学生, the important issue is to determine if the desired transfer university will accept the non-CR units. 联系你计划就读的大学是很重要的.


如果你是大三学生, 有60个可转让单位, 你的高中成绩, and any college admission tests scores you may have will not be needed. If you are attempting to transfer to a private college or as a lower division transfer (with fewer than 60 transferable units), your high school record and SAT/ACT test scores will likely be required.

  1. If a class is full and there is available room on the waitlist, you can select 加入候补名单 在WebAdvisor中注册.
  2. Go to the class on the first day and ask the professor if you can be added to the class.
  3. 如果教授允许你添加课程, 他们可以批准你通过WebAdvisor添加课程.  如果他们这么做,你就 48小时 登录并将自己添加到类中.  You can also go to the 招生 Help Window and an employee will move you from the waitlist into the class.  你不会收到通知你注册这门课的邮件


*The units/credits for waitlist classes are not factored into your unit/credit count for sports, 特殊的程序, 或者经济资助,直到你被正式录取.  与所有其他注册更改一样, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are added into the class.



TTY 707-476-4441

预约:707-476-4150 counseling@红杉.edu

问题:707-476-4135 welcomecenter@红杉.edu

Del Norte

